Size Loss Hybrid
Index time 0.0186s 0.0921s 1.0793s
time (abs.)
1.3925e-07s 1.304e-07s 1.659e-07s
Table 4: Performance of K-means-tree with termination strategy
5 Discussion
In conclusion, we proposed a faster similarity search over large corpus embeddings by sacricing some accuracy.
The trade-o between speed and accuracy depends on the specic hyper-parameter choices, allowing exibility
in tuning the model based on the requirements of the application.
In the future, we will consider doing a more complete benchmark over a larger dataset, getting rid of the bias
in programming languages and the implementation.
Also, we will explore more optimizations in terms of both algorithms and hyperparameters. For example,
what if we consider including some supervised data and learned a supervised clustering strategy rst, and use
the trained divider to build the tree? Or is it possible to let two parent nodes point to one child node, making
the structure a graph instead of a tree? Those are all possible methods for improving accuracy.
What’s more, we haven’t explored much in the possibility of utilizing dimensional reduction. The t-SNE gives
a nice separable result in 2d space, but the cluster’s shape is not consistent. In this case, the distance-based
K-means is not functioning, but the SVM can perform well since it divides space using gaps.
In summary, we have found a feasible direction in solving the similarity search problem, but there are still
numerous intriguing avenues to explore, and we will keep contributing to the advancement of our approach for
faster and more accurate similarity search over large corpus embeddings.
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