STATS 402 - Interdisciplinary Data Analysis
Enhancing Dense Retrieval Eciency with Hierarchical Clustering
Kaiyuan Lou
Yizhou Bi
July 8, 2023
1 Introduction
With the improvement of the information extraction ability of language models, dense vector retrieval is playing
a more and more important role in the information retrieval eld. Nowadays, the adoption of dense retrieval
models has become indispensable for successful search engines. Notably, Google has incorporated BERT [1] as
the foundation of its information retrieval model, while Facebook relies on the Faiss [2] retrieval model, and
Microsoft has introduced MT-DSSM [3]. The dense retrieval model can extract high-level understandings of
natural language, which make the search more accurate and easy to use. However, the eectiveness of dense
vector retrieval models is impeded by the challenge of sluggishness resulting from the use of high-dimensional
embeddings, thereby hindering the implementation of similarity search. Consequently, brute-force techniques
are commonly used to traverse every embedding, which makes retrieval speed signicantly lag behind that of
traditional sparse vector retrieval models.
In traditional search algorithms like TF-IDF [4] and BM25 [5], the retrieval targets are the calculated values
between searched token and documents, which means only documents containing the searched words are selected
and compared. In contrast, the dense vector retrieval model operates dierently. Here, each document is
accompanied by a high-dimensional dense vector embedding, forcing comparisons to be performed across the
entire corpus dataset. It will be super expansive when running a large dataset.
After analyzing the embeddings of documents, we nd that documents with similar topics tend to have
similar embedding vectors in the high-dimensional space, which makes clustering possible. From the distribution
visualization by using t-SNE [6] algorithm over 1000 corpus from our test dataset, we nd that the embeddings
form little clusters automatically. The comparison of distribution between corpus embeddings and random data
is in Figure 1.
In this paper, we are introducing a solution for quicker similarity search over large corpus embeddings by
sacricing a little accuracy. We achieved the speed boost by building a search tree over the entire dataset using
a hierarchical clustering strategy.
Our test model is implemented by using Vladimir Karpukhin et al.’s Dense Passage Retrieval model [7], the
test dataset is the cc-news dataset [8] from Huggingface, and the Large Language Model (LLM) for generating
embeddings is the bert-base model from Huggingface.
In the following sections, we will rst review the current algorithms for similarity search over high-dimensional
data. Subsequently, we will explicate our algorithm in a meticulous manner while undertaking a thorough analysis
of the associated hyper-parameters and their respective inuences. Furthermore, we will benchmark our test
implementation and establish a comparative evaluation against existing strategies. Ultimately, we will explore
additional potentialities for our strategies that we haven’t implemented yet.
(a) corpus distribution (b) normal distribution
Figure 1: distribution of high dimensional data points
2 Literature review
2.1 Existing methods
The target of vector retrieval is, given a vector, an algorithm needs to nd the nearest neighbor(s) of that vector.
Many space partitioning methods, of which main goal is to build some structure in the vector space, like Grid
File [9], KD Tree [10], K-D-B Tree [11], M Tree [12], Ball Tree [13], have been studied to improve the speed
of vector retrieval speed. The diculty this algorithm faces is that the vectors are naturally unstructured data
and the curse of dimensionality– their performance drastically decline with the increase of the dimensionality,
because of the dimensionality the algorithm introduced increases with the increase of dimension space. [14] The
diculties can be understood from two perspective. The rst perspective is that the increase in dimensionality
will make the possible partition of the space increase exponentially. Or, another perspective is that the tree
structure created by partitioning the space will become very empty, and deep, greatly limiting the eciency
of the retrieval process. Another direction of ecient vector retrieval is to make local sensitivity hashing. To
counter the disadvantage introduced by high dimensionality, some studies suggest the usage of hashing, like Local
Sensitivity Hashing (LSH) [15]. One great advantage of LSH is that when indexing the vectors, the complexity of
the index does not directly correspond to the dimensionality of the original vectors. However, to achieve accurate
approximation of the nearest neighbour in high-dimension space, many more tables and longer hash is required,
negatively inuencing the performance. [16] However, it is still very promising and is widely adopted, like in
Spotify’s Approximate Nearest Neighbour Oh Yeah (ANNOY) library. Despite the ANNOY utilizing the tree
structure or forest structure, it resembles the LSH by adopting the concept of predened amount of hyperplane
to slice the space, essentially creating a hash-like bucket. Besides tree and hashing, another potential solution
is the graph. The primitive graph algorithm construct a directional linked node, using an edge that contains
vector info. The vector info describes the direction and distance between two vector in the space, essentially
linking two nodes (vectors) together. When conducting the search, the algorithm will greedily follow the path
that minimize the distance between input vector and indexed vectors in the database until the distance no longer
decrease. This primitive algorithm is not good for clustered data and may yield bad accuracy because of local
minimum, rather than the global one, is reached. To counter this problem, the current state-of-art vector search
algorithm is to use a hierarchical directional graph. Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) [17] is applied
by Facebook (Meta)’s vector search library, Faiss. The original idea of HNSW is from skip list data structure
[18]. Skip list essentially is a probabilistic data structure that consists of a hierarchy of linked lists with nodes
that contain forward pointers, allowing for ecient navigation between elements. The height of each node is
determined randomly, with higher nodes representing fewer elements and enabling faster searches. 2Hierarchical
Navigable Small Worlds, unlike a 1-dimensional skip list, can more eciently deal with high dimensional vectors,
promising better overall performance than existing algorithms.
Besides trying to make the search itself more ecient, a previous study also suggests making the vector itself
more ecient, by doing product quantization [19]. Product quantization is a technique used for compressing
Figure 2: skip link example
data. It involves dividing the data into smaller subspaces or ”cells” and quantizing each subspace separately.
The resulting quantized vectors can then be indexed and searched eciently, reducing the storage and compu-
tation requirements. However, unlike principle component analysis, product quantization does not compress the
dimension of the vector, instead, it compresses the scope of the vectors. Consequently, the algorithm is also
capable of accelerating vector retrieval at the expanse of accuracy.
2.2 Our approach
In conclusion, KD-tree is suitable for low to medium-dimensional spaces but struggles with high-dimensional
data. ANNOY and HNSW, on the other hand, sacrice accuracy for speed. ANNOY constructs a forest of
random projection trees, while HNSW builds a hierarchical graph structure. In the case of DPR, the large
dataset makes ANNOY struggle with hashing conict and HNSW can not handle dynamic data properly and
consume huge memory.
Our approach is to build a tree by using hierarchical clustering, which can give a speed boost by sacricing
accuracy. Unlike KD-tree, the hierarchical clustering tree’s performance does not relate to the dimensionality of
the data, making it suitable for embeddings generated by BERT. Also, the ANNOY’s drawback of dealing with
a large dataset does not exist in the traditional search tree structure we are using. Finally, by maintaining a tree
structure, our approach has the capability of dealing with dynamic data without re-initializing unless the change
is not too big.
3 Methodology
In order to realize faster information retrieval, we build a search tree over the entire dataset by using hierarchical
clustering. The clustering process was proceeding top-down over the dataset recursively and nally constructed
a tree structure that can be used for faster retrieval.
Constructing the search tree may compromise the accuracy of the similarity search because the primary
objective is to identify similar instances rather than exact matches. While a search tree ensures the retrieval of
similar results, it cannot guarantee the absence of superior results in alternative branches. However, a search
tree can signicantly decrease the time complexity, and what’s more, usually the approximate results are enough
for search engines, which means the loss of accuracy is acceptable if it can really accelerate the search.
Then, how to build the tree, and what should the tree look like? We will explain the following from the 4
key hyper-parameters in our algorithm: similarity measurement, K-choosing strategy, clustering algorithm, and
termination strategy. (see in Figure 3)
Figure 3: Hyper-parameters of the retrieval model
3.1 Similarity measurement
Similarity measurement is one of the most important hyper-parameters of the algorithm. For a retrieval model
aimed at locating similar embeddings, the fundamental aspect lies in establishing the criteria for gauging the
similarity between embeddings.
There are several options for this:
Cosine similarity: Cosine similarity is an important and commonly used measurement for similarity
between vectors, it provides a normalization to focusing on the direction of vectors.
Euclidean distance: Euclidean distance is the most intuitive similarity between data points, simply by
calculating the distance.
Dot product: Dot product is hard to be thought of in similarity measurement, but it turns out to be a
good choice after the experiment and mathematical analysis.
We did several rounds of experiments on all of those options. The experiment shows that both dot-product
and cosine similarity gives relatively good search results. The detailed result can be found in the milestone 3
Also, after mathematical analysis, we nally chose the dot product for our demo implementation, and here
are two main reasons for not choosing cosine similarity.
The cosine distance normalizes the vectors to make the algorithm only sensitive to the direction of vectors
instead of the magnitude of vectors. So, it will remove one important dimension of data if the magnitudes
of embeddings are not noises. According to the paper of BERT network [1], it is possible that the network
is more tends to output larger embeddings if the input is longer since the cumulation of attention vectors.
We sorted 10000 random embeddings from the cc-news dataset based on the length of the input string
(Figure 4a) and found that this inuence is slight. So, in this case, introducing cosine distance might have
more drawbacks than benets.
The cosine distance will be less ecient if the vectors are all positive/negative or almost all positive/negative.
It will make vectors closer to the axis less likely to be searched, which means it introduces bias to the retrieval
model. From Figure 4b, we can nd that the sums of embeddings are all negative, which means the features
inside embeddings are more likely to be negative numbers, which will potentially increase the bias caused
by cosine similarity.
3.2 K choosing strategy & Alpha
When mentioning clustering, the K value is always the important value since it decides the number of cluster.
What’s more, in our tree structure, the K value also correspond to the structure of the tree, which makes it even
more important.
(a) magnitude of embeddings (b) sum of embeddings
Figure 4
Generally speaking, the K decides the number of children nodes a node can have. It inuences the depth of
the tree, which directly relate to the speed and accuracy of the tree structure. Smaller the K, less the children
nodes for every nodes, deeper the tree, faster the search speed, and lower the accuracy. Vise versa.
The decision of K value introduced the speed-accuracy trade-o, which is a crucial concept in the model
building process.
Here are the K-choosing strategies:
Fixed K: Fixed K is deciding the K value before constructing the tree, which means the K remains same
for the entire tree. For example, if we set K to 2, then we get a most common and intuitive binary tree,
which is also the fastest and the least accurate one. Also, we can pre-calculate the K value by rst limit
the depth of the tree to make sure the accuracy won’t fall too low.
Dynamic K: Dynamic K is deciding the K independently for every node when constructing the tree, which
means each node can have a dierent K number. It makes the tree more exible, and can also minimize
the loss caused by wrongly clustering. Theoretically, the dynamic K choosing strategy considers both the
speed and accuracy, which is better than the Fixed K strategy. To control the shape of the tree, we can
further introduce a parameter Alpha, which denote how much the algorithm tend to make the tree deeper.
The mathematical expression of Alpha should depends on the specic clustering algorithm.
Figure 5: Dierent k-choosing-strategy result in dierent search trees
Figure 5shows how the K-choosing strategy inuences the tree structure.
3.3 Clustering algorithm
The clustering method controls how we do the clustering, which is the key element for tree construction. Dierent
clustering methods might result in dierent search accuracy but has no inuence on the search’s time complexity.
Here are the options for clustering algorithms:
K-means: K-means is a widely used centroid-based clustering algorithm that aims to minimize the sum
of squared distances between data points and their assigned cluster centroids. It is well-known and easy to
K-mediods: K-medoids is one alternative solution for K-means. Instead of using centroids, k-medoids use
actual data points within the cluster as representatives. This makes k-medoids more robust to outliers. In
high-dimensional datasets, outliers are more likely to appear since the high-dimensional space made the
dataset more sparse. So in our case, the K-medoids is theoretically more reliable than K-means.
Mean shift clustering: Mean shift is a non-parametric algorithm that doesn’t require specifying the
number of clusters in advance. It makes mean shift clustering t the concept of our tree-building model
pretty since it does not require the K-choosing strategy and the Alpha hyper-parameters, which makes the
model easier to adjust. However, it has a weak tolerance to high dimensionality since it is based on the
density of data points, and the density over high dimensional data is not very reliable. Dimensionality
reduction needs to be performed rst before applying this method.
Despite the advantages of K-medoids and Mean shift clustering, such as their ability to handle outliers and
automatically determine the number of clusters, we have decided to use K-means in our demo model due to its
versatility and widespread usage.
3.4 Termination strategy
Now we have all the key components for constructing the tree. By applying the hyper-parameters above, we can
recursively divide our dataset and let the tree grow. Now comes the last question: termination. We can not
keep dividing the dataset all the way down since the goal is for similarity search and the search tree should have
the ability to return not only the most similar one but a list of similar documents. Thus, the dividing of data
must be terminated at some condition to prevent the cluster on the leaf node to become too small (if we do not
terminate, each leaf node only contains 1 document).
Here are the options for the termination strategies:
Size based: The size-based termination strategy is the most intuitive one. We can simply limit the smallest
size of leaf nodes. For example, if we set it to 100, then if a cluster has points less than 100, it will not be
divided anymore.
Loss based: The loss-based termination strategy, on the other hand, does not care about the size of the
cluster but the loss inside the cluster. If a cluster has a large inside loss, it means it might not be clustered
properly, so we will keep dividing it into smaller parts.
Hybrid: The hybrid solution makes use of both size-based and loss-based conditions. In the size-based
solution, a nice cluster might be forced to be divided into several parts only because it contains too many
points. In the loss-based solution, the tree might grow too large or too small if the threshold value is not
set properly. So, considering both these two factors can make better trees.
Because of the termination strategies, the tree can not become a complete tree anymore, so the retrieval speed
might fall into a range instead of a xed value due to the search route being short or long.
4 Result
The performance measured in the benchmark is as follows. 1Here, most hyper-parameters are set to default. In
terms of the index time, when only 10000 vectors are given in the 768-dimension space, the index time of each
algorithm has very little absolute dierence. However, K-means Tree is the slowest one in indexing, potentially
because of recursive k-means operations. The Naive Search does not need index, but some python overhead gives
it a measurable delay. The memory usage of each algorithm varies greatly. While the Naive Search unsurprisingly
uses the least amount of the memory, because of its very low memory overhead, K-D Tree, however, does not
use as much memory as other graph based methods did even with its extra memory overhead in maintaining the
tree structure. The memory usage of the Lshashpy3 and Annoy diers greatly even though they are the same
algorithm, potentially because of deviant implementation details.
K-D Tree Lshashpy3 ANNOY HNSW K-means
Index time 0.0274s 0.0269s 0.0116s 0.0320s 0.3901s 1.6689e-
Memory us-
400MiB 900MiB 1200MiB 400MiB 3GiB 200MiB
time (abs.)
0.0010s 0.01697s 7.512e-
time (rel.)
3456% 223% 50399% 50126% 8314147% 100%
Table 1: Performance of dierence algorithms
K-D Tree Lshashpy3 ANNOY HNSW K-means
Index time 0.0199s 0.0249s 0.0086s 0.0272s 0.344s 1.4305e-
Memory us-
400MiB 900MiB 1200MiB 400MiB 2.5GiB 200MiB
time (abs.)
0.0004s 0.01593s 5.674e-
0.021609s 0.03260s
time (rel.)
7090% 205% 57458% 74026% 175% 100%
Table 2: Performance of dierence algorithms (Normalized)
All the algorithms perform better than the Naive Search in terms of retrieval time. However, dierence in
speed still can be found among dierent algorithms. The most pronounced ones are the speed dierence between
the Lshashpy3 and the ANNOY. They are the same algorithm, but the speed dierence is great. Another thing
is that the K-means Tree perform seemingly super well in terms of the retrieving. However, because this is not
a normalized test, what actually happened is that the k-means model compromise its retrieval accuracy for the
When we tune the hyper-parameters and normalize the average accuracy of the top 20 retrieval to about 60-
80% (Naive is always 100% accurate), and redo the benchmark, the performance of the algorithm is as follows.
2After the normalization, the general trend of the data remain the same. However, the speed of K-means Tree
decreases by a signicant amount, but it is still statistically faster than the naive search.
When we change the similarity functions of the K-means tree, the retrieval performance does not dier
by much.3However, when using Manhattan distance to index the vectors, the indexing performance dropped
signicantly. Other than that, the performance dierence is not particularly pronounced.
We also tested the inuence of termination strategy for the performance of the k-means tree. 4The termination
strategy has some inuence on the indexing time potentially because of the amount of the calculation and the
resulting tree depth are dierent for each strategy.
Euclidean Angular Manhattan Dot
Index time 0.07848s 0.1711s 2.0526s 0.4985s
time (abs.)
1.4067e-07s 1.43055e-07s 1.6928e-07s 1.5497e-07s
Table 3: Performance of K-means-tree with dierent similarity functions
Size Loss Hybrid
Index time 0.0186s 0.0921s 1.0793s
time (abs.)
1.3925e-07s 1.304e-07s 1.659e-07s
Table 4: Performance of K-means-tree with termination strategy
5 Discussion
In conclusion, we proposed a faster similarity search over large corpus embeddings by sacricing some accuracy.
The trade-o between speed and accuracy depends on the specic hyper-parameter choices, allowing exibility
in tuning the model based on the requirements of the application.
In the future, we will consider doing a more complete benchmark over a larger dataset, getting rid of the bias
in programming languages and the implementation.
Also, we will explore more optimizations in terms of both algorithms and hyperparameters. For example,
what if we consider including some supervised data and learned a supervised clustering strategy rst, and use
the trained divider to build the tree? Or is it possible to let two parent nodes point to one child node, making
the structure a graph instead of a tree? Those are all possible methods for improving accuracy.
What’s more, we haven’t explored much in the possibility of utilizing dimensional reduction. The t-SNE gives
a nice separable result in 2d space, but the cluster’s shape is not consistent. In this case, the distance-based
K-means is not functioning, but the SVM can perform well since it divides space using gaps.
In summary, we have found a feasible direction in solving the similarity search problem, but there are still
numerous intriguing avenues to explore, and we will keep contributing to the advancement of our approach for
faster and more accurate similarity search over large corpus embeddings.
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